Thursday, December 10, 2015

Global Warming equals Global Fleecing

When scientists on the government grants are caught rigging the numbers that skew the data to what the governments want to see, then you can 't really count on the science as "settled" or even as science.  The issue here is two fold: 1) Is global warming a man made phenomena?  2) Is there anything man can do to prevent it?

Because there has been confirmed and admitted tampering and "adjustments" of past temperature data, decisions made based on that data would be dubious.  Addtionally, the last projections from those same scientists indicate that spending trillions on CO2 reductions and retooling the industrial economic models of the world wouldn't significantly affect future temperatures.

But, it will make many global orgnaizations richer with a major redirection of resources and industry.  This is a just another way for governments to shuffle money and reach into the pockets of tax payers and consumers for the enrighment of politicians and their cronies.

Follow the money.  Someone is getting rich off of global warming and it isn't the middle class or lower class.

Consumers will pay more for electricity and food.  Even more importantly, the weak economy will continue to be stressed.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Difference between electing GOP or Democrats? None

Electing Republicans to the House and Senate yielded no significant difference in results.

I am having a lot of trouble with Republican Congressmen whose lack of moxie is allowing for results no different than if the congress and senate were democrat controlled. 

They are afraid to use the constitutional powers to stop or slow down Obama. The Republicans have ceded power in effect letting Democrats do what they want.  We might as well have Harry Reid and Pelosi running things because there has been no significant difference.  

That's not what they were elected to do.  Having "show" votes is meaningless if nothing happens.  The Republicans that ran on stopping Obamacare, illegal immigration, lowering taxes have not been able to move the needle.  They attacked Ted Cruz when he tried to do something.  

There are apologist that say that the Republicans in the Senate don't have 60 votes.  Well, the Dems has less than 60 votes and figured out how to ram the most influential piece of legislation in decades down the throats of the American people.   

The GOP should know that they are being put on notice.  It might be time for a new party if there is no difference between the two in Washington. Ted Cruz might be right about the Washington Cartel. 

There's seems to be only one party of money and power in Washington.  Right now they think being more progressive might be good for business.  But when the economy tanks and the government runs out of money those same power brokers will lead the charge back to more conservative thinking.
They will be making money at the expense of all Americans especially the poor all along the way.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

So now we know why CNN has been ignoring the story...

This vato has been wattching the news and noticing hat CNN and MSNBC talk more about the lion being killed than the Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts.  Well this mught be just part of the reason why...

CNN Contributor Heads PR Firm Planned Parenthood Hired to Defend Selling Aborted Babies

Saturday, July 18, 2015

These babies were not human enough to save their lives but their organs are human enough to harvest!

Recently a video was released that indicates that Planned Parenthood was harvesting organs from aborted babies and "donating" them to a tissue service.  Agencies like to use words like tissue because it sounds better than human baby body pieces.

This is a hard topic.  It disgust me to think that babies are being chopped up and used for science.  I am having trouble typing this blog but I feel that I need to be on the record to say this is wrong.
We have made it legal to destroy these human lives that is regrettable.  Other abortion doctors have desecrated the bodies of these aborted babies but the commercialization of the human baby organs seems just that much more sinister.

I stressed the "donating" portion because it is illegal to sell aborted baby body parts.  In video the planned parenthood representative indicates a price list for the parts.  In my experience, items donated don't usually have a price associated on a per piece basis.  If you have followed planned parenthood in the media, you might concluded that they have no issues with breaking the law if they can get away with it .

The dear mother who passed way a few years ago used to say ,'" la verdad no es un pecado , pero incómoda!" This translates to"the truth is not a sin but can be uncomfortable." Political correctness is making the truth a sin and that is the injustice. Selling organs of aborted babies is wrong, period, it has to be said.

Is there a price on human decency or have we eroded all that semblance of the difference between good and evil?  I, for one, hope. that is not case.  We need to stop this.

It is time to ask," Why are tax payer dollars funding this organization?  
It is time to cut them off.
Let their liberal supporters private fund it. There are plenty of liberal billionaires that seem to be okay with them. It it is such a great thing, let it be funded privately.

God bless the souls of these children that were not allowed to take first breath.
Sign petition below if you agree:
   Congress Must Investigate Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts Petition | GoPetition

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Are the unemployment numbers reported by the BLS manipulated on purpose? Or did 4 percent of the working population just decide not to work anymore?

There is a saying that one can pick numbers to make any case.  I suspected that this has been happening with the unemployment numbers reported by the US government for some time.  It seems to me like reports played with the labor participation rate to show better than expected unemployment numbers.  So I decided to research the numbers myself and see what came up.  

First I looked at the graph for unemployment reported by the government.  This takes into account employment participation that can be subjective and subject to manipulation in reporting.
The numbers show that the unemployment is almost back to 2008 levels.   It would mean a dramatic improvement in the economy from 2010.

Data extracted on: February 7, 2015 (12:29:02 PM)

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id:           LNS14000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:        (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status:  Unemployment rate
Type of data:        Percent or rate
Age:                 16 years and over

Next I looked at the percentage of people working.  
The stats below show the percent of people working (full or part time) compared to the total population,  When we look at this chart, we see that the amount of people actually working is still
very far away from 2008 working percentage numbers. 

Percent of Population Working Report 2/7/2015  <--Link to BLS site 

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id:           LNS12300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:        (Seas) Employment-Population Ratio
Labor force status:  Employment-population ratio
Type of data:        Percent or rate
Age:                 16 years and over

So how can this be?  Below is the labor participation rate.   Remember, this is the number that can be "subjective" and subject to interpretation.  The BLS reports that there are about 4 percent less people working or looking for work in 2015 than in 2008.  So if you have less people looking for work, the unemployment numbers reported are lower eventhough there are less people working in terms of percentage.  

Data extracted on: February 7, 2015 (12:42:03 PM)

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id:           LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:        (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status:  Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data:        Percent or rate
Age:                 16 years and over

Coincidentally, the reduction in percent of population that is currently employed is also about 4 percent lower.  This begs the question, 

"Are the unemployment numbers reported by the BLS manipulated on purpose? Or did 4 percent of the working population just decide not to work anymore?"   The chart shows the participation rate begins to decline in late 2008 and steeper in 2009.    An unemployment is actually higher than reported.  

But some good news...
The US economy is improving but very slowly.  Much slower than is being reported by the BLS  unemployment numbers that are being published.   According to the second chart only recently have we have begun to actually add significant numbers of jobs to indicate more people working as a percent of the population.