Monday, October 28, 2013

The Affordable Care Act: The Great Obama Lie!

For those that say that THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is the law of the land, approved by both houses, the Supreme Court  and we should move on from here.  I would like to remind you of the lies that helped get it passed and continue to this day.

1) "It is not a tax."  Lie! The Supreme Court upheld the insurance mandate as a tax that fell under the taxing power of the government.
2)It will cover the all uninsured.   Lie! We now know that millions will remain uninsured.
3) "Everyone will save money."   Lie!  We now know that costs will go up because of additional coverage mandated by the law.  

4)"You can keep the coverage you currently have."  Lie!  We now know that insurance companies have to change coverage and prices due to items mandated by the law.  Many Americans are losing their coverage.
5) "Congress will have the same insurance."  Lie!  We now know that Congress voted additional subsidies for government employees in direct violation of the terms of the law.  In a similar action, the president unilaterally granted waivers to some businesses.
6) "Finally, you can keep your doctor."  Lie!  We now know that many doctors are dropping patients.

Remember the OBAMA DON'T CARE ACT in 2014...

Revised-  10/30/2013

7) It will cost $940 Billion.   Lie!  CBO now estimates that costs will rise to
$ 1.76 trillion almost double the costs.

8) The web site is ready to go! LIE! You get the picture... (taken 10/30/2013)

 Health Insurance is not Health Care!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Debunking the Propagandized debunking of "15 Myths The Media Should Ignore During Obamacare Implementation."

I took a few minutes to research and comment on "15 Myths The Media Should Ignore During Obamacare Implementation".
Found at

Some are technically myths and some are not myths. Debunking the propagandized debunking of myths is a little tricky but it was so easy to find facts online that I said, "what the heck." The Affordable Care Act is very complex by design so we have argument on nuances ad infinitum. I tried to stick to the main points.

Myth #1: Congress Is "Exempt" From The Affordable Care Act
Your analysis is correct. Congress is not exempt however there is an exception.
“Other Americans who get health insurance through their jobs can’t take their employer insurance contributions and apply them directly to new individual plans purchased through the exchanges.-Kate Pickert -
Read more:

Myth #2: Premium Prices Will Increase Due To Health Care Law- Sorry, “lower than expected” has nothing to do with the actual numbers. This is not a myth. Premiums went up! You are explaining why it's okay they went up. This does not change the fact that they went up.

Myth #3: The Affordable Care Act Includes Death Panels- The text of the law explicitly states this but we recently had a situation where a young lady needed a lung transplant. Kathleen Sebelius eventually intervene to change the rules over who got a lung transplant. This isn't a panel but a “Death Czar.”
The IPAB can affect the amount of money paid to doctors for specific treatments
and create a rationing effect in that way. The result will be the same, patients will not be able to get the care they need according to their doctors and it will be the government restricting access to that care.

Myth #4: Shutting Down Government Over Obamacare Funding Will Stop Health Care Law
Correct. But it might affect the Democrat's willingness to pass changes that have so far been resisted.

Myth #5: The Affordable Care Act Is "Socialized Medicine" And A "Government Takeover" Of Health Care
Correct. However, Obama care is the first step towards socialized medicine and a government takeover of health care.
The President and Harry Reid are on the record saying that they want to walk this to a single payer system which would definitely be socialized medicine. source is video from: &
This answers the question is why affect 300 million people's health care when you are effectively covering an additional 10% of the population. A capitalist approach would probably more effective ways of achieving this
without a wholesale one party revamp the America's health care system. For instance, there could have been a Medicaid expansion, tort reform, allowing insurances to compete across state lines and finally a set tax to fund the Americans that need subsidy. The drive towards socialized medicine is the truly scary part of the affordable care act.

Myth #6: People Will Be Able To Commit Subsidy Fraud On The Exchanges
Wrong! People will always be able to commit fraud. There is not a system that is fool proof.

Myth #7: Obamacare "Narrow Networks" Will Constrain Health Choices-Wrong
Reports from across the country confirm that people are losing their current coverage, spouses are losing their coverages, and retirees are losing their coverages. People have not be able to keep their healthcare provider. As providers move out of
certain regions due the affordable care act, the choices of coverage must become limited by simple math.

Myth #8: The Affordable Care Act Is Bad For Women- This is subjective.
If it's bad for almost everyone, is it bad for women?

Myth #9: The Affordable Care Act Covers Abortions - Wrong again!
“The Office of Personnel Management ruled Monday that members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans that pay for abortions, even though the premiums are funded largely by taxpayer money...”

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Myth #10: The Affordable Care Act Is A Job Killer. Correct. The True myth should read a “Full Time Job Killer”
As the Act comes into effect, many employers are reducing hours to less than 30 to avoid penalties. There are also many small businesses reporting that they will not hire over 50 employees to also avoid penalties. Small businesses are the engines of American jobs, it only make sense that anything that affects their hiring would impact all full time hiring.

Myth #11: With Full Access To Medical Records, The IRS Will Discriminate Against Conservatives This remains to be seen. We now know that the IRS illegally targeted conservative groups applying for tax exempt status what is to prevent another so-called rogue group to target conservatives. They already target them
for audits.

Myth #12: Navigators Will Abuse Private Information-
Navigators will help register more Democrats. Is this abuse of private information?

Myth #13: Obamacare Mandates Doctors To Ask Patients About Sexual History -Don't care. My doctors already asked about my history as part a good screening.

Myth #14: The ACA's Medicaid Expansion Will Force Doctors To Turn Away Patients
See Answers to myth 3 and myth 7

Myth #15: The ACA Is To Blame For A Projected 30 Million People Who Will Remain Uninsured
This was passed without a single GOP vote. You should expect them to try to stop the march towards socialized medicine.