Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How did President Obama fail as a President ? Let me count the ways.

How did President Obama fail as a President ? Let me count the ways.

1) Fast and Furious
2) Stimulus-Shovel ready jobs!
3) IRS targeting conservatives. "not a smidgen of corruption"
4) Failing to call terrorism , Terrorism.
                    4a) Fort Hood
                    4b) Boston Marathon
                    4c) Oklahoma beheading
5) Letting Iraq fall back to chaos.
6) Benghazi- (With Secretary Clinton)Heros died Obama lied!
7) Quantative easing
8) Deficits and debt
9) Solindra
9) Keystone pipelines
10) Coal regulation
11) No strategic energy policy
12) Allowing Russia to invade Ukraine
13) Obamacare-  Savings of $2500? try an increase of $7500 per family.  Although I do know a few upper income people that actually saved money.
14) Influx of undocumented immigrants
15)Bombing Syria without Congressional approval.  Even George Bush got that.  And even Hillary Clinton voted to give him authority.
16)Stealing money from Medicare to pay for Obamacare
17) Unemployment/Under employment/ Employment participation- We recovered faster from the Great Depression than from the depression we avoided.
18) More people on welfare.   No job searching required.
19) Higher percentage of minorities unemployed
20) ISIS ( ISIL, if you want them to have the entire Middle East)
21)Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood)
22) Nuclear Iran
23) The Economy
24) Secret Service
25) Immigration Reform- promised in first term

Wow, that is quite a legacy.

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