Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Secure the Borders: Immigration Reform and Ebola Exposure -Update Measles


I wrote the post below during the Ebola scare.  As the reports of measles begin to grow,  I wanted to point out the many of the illegal immigrant children that were allowed into the country in the summer of 2014 were probably not vaccinated.  This to me seems a more likely vector for measles disease than children not vaccinated in the US.  Yes, the lack of vaccination in US children and citizens makes them more prone to get the disease but the distribution of illegal immigrant children (without vaccinations) across the country was probably more likely to create a resurgence of the disease that was declared defeated about 10 years ago.

For the past few days Rush Limbaugh has been suggesting that the Obama administration has been reluctant to close travel to Ebola struck countries because if it closed the borders to them then it could lead to closing the borders to the countries to the south.

If Rush is correct,  then our administration is reluctant to protect American children because of politics.  Unfortunately, that is not really much of a stretch anymore.

While there is no evidence that Ebola can be transmitted as an airborne virus, droplet transmission is very possible.  If anyone has ever sneezed or coughed too close to you, you have experienced the spray of droplets.  Droplets that could have been very contagious if the person had Ebola.  So while not airborne, same room (same airplane?) transmission is possible maybe even likely.

Over the past few weeks, we miraculously saved two people with a new treatment for Ebola.  If word got out that the US had the cure, we would have many infected people trying to get here for the treatment.  In the current state of the Southern (or even Northern) borders, could we really keep them out?

Now think of infected terrorists,drugs dealers and infected victims of human trafficking.  They move into the country in confined conditions.  One person could infect an entire group that spread to various cities after hitting the US.  Two to three weeks later we have hot spots in major US cities.

Would our children, spouses, families, and friends be safe?  Is the US going to take precautions now or hope for the best until it's too late.  If there was ever a time to secure the borders, it is now.

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